Tag Archives: women

The Women Of Webhosting

Some of you may have noticed that the various websites hosted here on multimedia.cx were having a tad bit of difficulty recently. Long story short: My previous web host was having some serious problems and I decided it was time to ditch them and move on to a better one. Fortunately, I had (and continue to maintain) consistent, automated backups of everything hosted on multimedia.cx. But I really wasn’t looking forward to the task of finding a new provider. Whenever I have studied web host providers in the past, they all seem pretty much the same– offering UNLIMITED EVERYTHING!! along with perfect uptime and reliability for next to nothing(*** see details below in 5-point font). And most of their websites boast a design style reminiscent of the worst e-marketing sites and guaranteed to annoy the utilitarian, tech-savvy geek.

When it boils right down to it, I think I was being asked to make a decision regarding a new web host based on the female smiling at me on the front page. Honestly, these photos were generally the only distinguishing feature among the various services:

Miss 1&1
Miss 1&1 Hosting
Miss midPhase
Miss midPhase
Miss Fast Domain
Miss FastDomain

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