Freaky Ghosts

Sometimes, while using the the Xv hardware YUV interface with xine, the program briefly displays the ghost of some other image momentarily as it creates a new video window. Typically, the ghost depicts images that were recently shown in my Firefox web browser. So memory isn’t zeroed out somewhere along the line. That all makes sense.

Ghost Image

What puzzles me is something I saw last week: I was working in Linux, rebooted into Windows and worked for a little while, then rebooted back into Linux. When I started xine, I saw an image that I had previously brought up in my web browser before I had rebooted into Windows. That image had staying power.

I realized that, though all of this, I had never actually cut power to the machine, only did warm reboots. Thus, I suspect the data was left over in an area of video RAM that Windows never had occasion to touch.