I traveled to a secret clubhouse today to take part in a clandestine meeting to discuss exactly how WebM will rule over all that you see and hear on the web. I can’t really talk about it. But I can show you the cool hat I got:

Yeah, you’re jealous.
The back of the hat has an Easter egg for video codec nerds– the original Duck Corporation logo (On2’s original name):

Former employees of On2 (now Googlers) were well-represented. It was an emotional day of closure as I met the person — the only person to date — who contacted me with a legal threat so many years ago. He still remembered me too.
I met a lot of people involved in creating various Duck and On2 codecs and learned a lot of history and lore behind then– history I hope to be able to document one day.
I’m glad I got that first rough draft of a toy VP8 encoder done in time for the meeting. It was the subject of much mirth.