Category Archives: On2/Duck

Reflections On On2

I read something in the past few months which noted that, in this day and age, the ultimate phase of any tech startup’s business plan is to be purchased by Google. Viewed through that lens, On2 is about to live the dream, even though they existed years before Google, years before most people even knew what a search engine was.

Assorted logos of Duck, On2, and Google

So Google has announced its intention to purchase On2. Wow, it feels like the end of an era. It seems like I’ve had some relationship with On2 for the entire 9 years I’ve been into multimedia hacking. Something that got lost in yesterday’s coverage and commentary was that On2 started life as the Duck Corporation, also a codec company. During this period, they largely focused on gaming applications. But I’m pretty sure that RAD Game Tools kicked them out of that market with their Smacker and Bink technologies. However, files encoded with the Duck’s multimedia codecs were among the first I studied back around 2000-2001. So that always makes me sentimental.

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JavaFX and On2 TrueMotion

Have you heard of Sun’s JavaFX? It’s due out later this year and is allegedly positioned to compete in the RIA space. It might be pertinent to mention that I work on a competing technology. Anyway, the reason I bring this up is that I recently learned that On2 is reported to be supplying JavaFX with video codec technology. According to “Sun Adds Comprehensive Video Capabilities to Ubiquitous Java Platform with On2 Technologies,” Sun licensed On2’s “TrueMotion” codec. I’m not entirely sure what codec they’re talking about and I can’t quite find any solid details. On2’s site seems to classify TrueMotion as encompassing both VP6 and VP7. I’m always surprised to hear the name TrueMotion since I thought that went away after the Duck Corporation morphed into On2. But the VP* series seems to be interchangeable with TrueMotion, just for extra confusion.

Who knows? Maybe they actually are using the classic Duck TrueMotion video codec in JavaFX.

Curiously, there is no word on what JavaFX will use for audio. Maybe logarithmic PCM in au/snd files?

Compiled Duck

I actually got the original Duck TM1 decoder compiled and hooked up to a small test bench app. It even runs without crashing. However, it produces unequivocally incorrect output:

Bad Duck TrueMotion 1 Decode

I was expecting something more in a solid white for this particular frame. This doesn’t exhibit the normal Duck TM1 bidirectional artifacts that I’m used to seeing. I also wired up a number of different blitting calls with both 16- and 24-bit data, to no avail.

I’ll give the API calls another look to see if I’m missing anything obvious in that department (this approach is unlikely to bear fruit, considering the dearth of documentation). Failing that, I might find myself in the ironic position of using libavcodec’s native Duck TM1 decoder to verify the operation of the original decoder to see what is going wrong with files that are known to work correctly in lavc, so that the original decoder will work completely and yield clues about the large body of problem TM1 files.

Addendum: I decided to enlist Valgrind’s assistance against the adversary. This is the first time I have touched the utility in awhile. Let’s see what it has to say…

  valgrind: the 'impossible' happened:
     Killed by fatal signal

I’m not sure what to think about that. Should I feel proud? Fortunately, leading up to the impossible condition are plenty of other memory errors, all ripe for investigation.

Duck Hieroglyphics

It’s like digital archaeology– understanding the ancient (by internet time) workings of less advanced engineering efforts. Pop culture depictions of archaeology would have us believe that those who toil in the field are searching for that one artifact that would neatly solve the entire puzzle at hand. Historically, perhaps the artifact that came closest to fitting this archetype was the Rosetta Stone, and even that was incomplete (if I’m observing the pictures correctly).

So it is with my current investigation. Much like Sean Connery playing Indiana Jones’ dad searching for the Holy Grail in The Last Crusade, I run the risk of making the Duck TrueMotion 1 algorithm my lifelong obsession. I got that Duck TM1 source code into a state where I could compile it against a standalone program. It only required 38 C source files from the original vpvision source tree and a mess of attendant header files to boot.

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