Category Archives: FATE Server

Better Parallelization And Scalability

Obviously, I have more than enough FATE-related work to keep my free time filled for the foreseeable future. But that doesn’t stop me from coming up with more ideas for completely revising the underlying architecture. And it’s always good to hash these ideas out on this blog since it: 1) helps me clarify the issues; 2) allows other people to jump in with improvements and alternatives; 3) allows me to put as much thought into these ideas as possible. Let’s face it– whatever design decisions I make for FATE are the ones the team tends to be stuck with for a long time.

Parallel FATE

People who dig into FATE and the various commands it executes in order to build and test FFmpeg often ask why I only perform singly-threaded builds, i.e., why not build with ‘make -j2’ on a dual-core machine? It would be faster, right? Well, yes, but only for the build phase. The test phase (which usually takes longer) is still highly serial (though the ‘make test’ regression suite can also be parallelized). A pragmatic reason I have for not wanting to multi-thread the build is that the stdout/stderr text lines can easily get jumbled which makes it more difficult to diagnose failures.

I do, however, put both cores on the main dual-core FATE machine to use– I run 2 separate installations of the FATE script, thus divvying the labor by having each core handle roughly half of the configurations. Thus far, one installation runs the x86_64 configs while the other installation is a 32-bit chroot environment running the x86_32 configs.

Can I come up with a better parallelization system? I think I might be able to. And to what end? Taking this whole operation to the next level, where “next level” is defined loosely as getting a few hundred more tests into the database while perhaps upgrading to a faster machine with more than 2 cores which is responsible for more than just native machine builds. Also, I am experimenting with moving the PowerPC builds to a faster (x86) machine for building. Better support for cross compiling and remote testing is driving some of this refactoring.

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LLVM Recognition

I did a bunch with compilers in FATE tonight:

  • I formally inducted x86_32 and x86_64 configurations of LLVM for Linux into the FATE farm. I’ve heard that compiler is going to rescue us all someday. For the time being, it is exhibiting some problems with the FFmpeg source code, particularly on 32-bit.
  • I upgraded the gcc used for compiling the Mac OS X versions to gcc 4.0.1 build 5493, packaged with Xcode 3.1.3 which is the latest version per my understanding. I think this is the first time I have bothered to upgrade Xcode since the first time I installed it. Everything still runs smoothly there, both on 32- and 64-bit.
  • I updated the gcc-svn snapshots across x86_32, x86_64, and PowerPC, all on Linux. All 3 configurations are compiling now. That’s the good news. Regrettably, the PowerPC build is doing even worse now (i.e., failing more tests) than the recently released gcc 4.4.0.

Weighted Moving Averages

Everyone would like to see FFmpeg performance graphs based on data collected from FATE. One day, I got down to analyzing the millisecond runtime data for one configuration regarding one of the longer tests in the suite. The numbers were all over the map and directly graphing them would prove confusing and meaningless.

Then I had an idea which draws on my limited experience with digital signal processing as it pertains to multimedia. What about plotting points that represent the average of point n along with, say, points (n-15)..(n+15)? Then I refined the idea a bit– how about multiplying each point by a factor such that point n gets the most consideration while points further away from n receive progressively less consideration?

And then I quickly covered up all evidence of the brainstorm for fear of catching a beatdown from a tough gang of statisticians for devising the most idiotic idea in the history of statistics. Imagine my surprise when I was recently reading up on a completely different topic and found the exact same techniques described in practical application. It turns out they even have formal names: Moving averages, in which various forms of weighted moving averages comprise a sub-category.

This is not the first time I have re-invented something that I would later learn is called a “wheel” (the first time I can recall was when I independently figured out a bubble sort algorithm). I’m sure a spreadsheet program can be coerced to massage the data in this manner, but I decided to go the Python route; I have to use Python to effectively extract the data from MySQL into a usable form anyway.

I created a Python script that takes a list of FATE configuration IDs and a test spec number. For each configuration ID, gather the history of millisecond run times for the specified test. Run a weighted moving average using the current run time and the 9 run times prior. The current run time is multiplied by 10, (n-1) is multiplied by 9, down through (n-9) which is multiplied by 1. Divide the average by 55 (10+9+…+1). For a more elegant mathematical explanation, see the Wikipedia entry. This script allows me to dump all the performance data for a series of configurations like, for example, all of the PowerPC configurations that run on the same machine.

Then, we turn the data over to OpenOffice Calc for graphing… <sigh…>

id RoQ video encode test, run on many successive revisions on PowerPC

Dear I hate you so much. Sometimes you elect to plot data on a graph in a sane range and sometimes you opt to begin from 0. The latter is shown above, where the former would have been much more appropriate. As it stands, any useful data to be gathered from the visualizing the trend of the weighted moving averages is lost. And don’t even get me started (again) on your fragility. Or your atrocious software update mechanism.

Anyway, the above graph shows performance over time for the idroq-video-encode test run on various PowerPC configurations. The graph actually does reveal at least one oddity– the orange pulse wave that represents gcc 4.1.2’s performance over time. That might be worth looking into, particularly since it’s on the high part of the wave right now.

Below is the same thing, only with data collected from running h264-conformance-mv1_brcm_d which is the most computationally intensive H.264 conformance sample in the FATE suite. And it looks like I mislabeled ‘gcc 4.3.3’ as ‘gcc 4.3.2’ in both graphs. Oh well; not going through the pain of regenerating those graphs with OpenOffice now.

long H.264 conformance test, run on many successive revisions on PowerPC" title="long H.264 conformance test, run on many successive revisions on PowerPC

What to do about performance graphs going forward? I really don’t think it would be worthwhile to be able to pull graphs from the database relating to performance data over time for arbitrary tests. Most of the tests are simply too short to yield any useful trends. This would be better suited to the idea of running certain tasks less frequently. Various configurations should be made to run longevity tests on full movies encoded in various formats, once every day or 2. CPU runtime performance data (in contrast to wall clock time data) should be collected on those runs and graphed for analysis.

BTW, if anyone knows of better desktop graphing apps, do let me know. Any system, I guess. As long as it can read a CSV file and create a competent graph in a reasonable amount of time on a 2 GHz CPU, I should be able to tolerate it.

Flip The Game

I decided to reverse the order of the machines on the main FATE page. That makes the Linux and Mac OS X machines float to the top. Sorry, BSD and Solaris people, but the Linux stuff just take precedence.

And speaking of Solaris, you will notice that we have a new configuration: Solaris 10 on Sparc, compiling with gcc, with more compiler configurations hopefully to come. Thanks to JeffD for contributing these results.

Back on the topic of the front page: Of course, I have every desire to update the entire web experience. But I’m still woefully inept at modern web development. Maybe I’m being too hard on myself. Perhaps it’s better to claim that I have so many higher priority problems to solve for FATE. I have an entire other rant in process for my experience with trying to understand modern web programming.

Look, I have all this raw data in a neat format. What is a good, quick, cross-browser method to display it in a friendly manner so that it can be easily sorted by various criteria. In different GUI APIs, I’m pretty sure that I would coerce the data into some kind of DataGrid object. There’s nothing quite like that in plain HTML. Javascript, perhaps? What’s out there? Where do I even start looking?