Tag Archives: xcode

LLVM Recognition

I did a bunch with compilers in FATE tonight:

  • I formally inducted x86_32 and x86_64 configurations of LLVM for Linux into the FATE farm. I’ve heard that compiler is going to rescue us all someday. For the time being, it is exhibiting some problems with the FFmpeg source code, particularly on 32-bit.
  • I upgraded the gcc used for compiling the Mac OS X versions to gcc 4.0.1 build 5493, packaged with Xcode 3.1.3 which is the latest version per my understanding. I think this is the first time I have bothered to upgrade Xcode since the first time I installed it. Everything still runs smoothly there, both on 32- and 64-bit.
  • I updated the gcc-svn snapshots across x86_32, x86_64, and PowerPC, all on Linux. All 3 configurations are compiling now. That’s the good news. Regrettably, the PowerPC build is doing even worse now (i.e., failing more tests) than the recently released gcc 4.4.0.