Monthly Archives: March 2007

Robots Of The 80s, Part 6

Here are some miscellaneous robots that don’t fit into any well-defined toy lines such as Transformers, Gobots, or Robotech.

First up is some rubber robots. I have no recollection of how I obtained them:

Rubber robots
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I call these the cereal robots because I believe they came in boxes of cereal. If memory serves. the cereal in question was Cap’n Crunch, a cereal with its finger of the pulse of the nation’s youth; years later, they would have a Cap’n Crunch-themed CD-ROM game pack-in.

Cereal robots
Click for larger image

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Robots Of The 80s, Part 4

Small grab bag of robots today. Here is a set of older Transformers remade as rubber figurines. I think these were packaged with later Transformers that I purchased. Or did they come with McDonald’s meals in the late 90s? I don’t remember exactly.

Rubber Transformers figurines
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I remember the code: Red = Autobot, purple = Decepticon. The figures from left to right depict a Decepticon jet Transformer (most likely Starscream), some Autobot, one of the Constructicons, and one of the Insecticons.

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