Monthly Archives: March 2007

Robots Of The 80s, Part 3

Ah, Robotech. Still an enduring favorite to this day. It was a cartoon series that was way ahead of its time, or perhaps just way too mature for an audience my age when I first discovered the show. I just remember seeing a transforming robot on the first show I saw (episode #5, incidentally entitled “Transformation”) and I was hooked.

I seem to recall that it wasn’t always easy to find Robotech toys back in the day, or perhaps they were just more expensive or that Transformers took precedence in my discretionary toy budget. Can’t remember. But there were some cool Robotech toys and I didn’t get my hands on even a fraction of them.

I did amass a complete collection of these adorable chubby Veritech fighters– Miriya’s, Rick’s, and Max’s. These are their guardian configurations, halfway between jet and robot:

Robotech -- Fat Veritechs -- guardian form
Click for larger image

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