Working Through The Backlog

It’s time to try clearing out my ridiculous backlog of games to review for multimedia. Some of this stash goes back to some spent game shop visits in November, 2004. Here is the Multimedia Exploration Journal entry for August 13, 2006. 10 games, nothing too new in the multimedia department, save for Burn: Cycle and possibly Hostile Waters: Antaeus Rising. And I’m still trying to figure out how a compact disc can possibly hold 2.7 GB of data, as the CD for Deathtrap Dungeon claims to do.

3 thoughts on “Working Through The Backlog

  1. RC

    I ran across a hard drive, years ago, that claimed to be 699GBs. It was really a 0.000GB hard drive.

    Headers can lie.

  2. Multimedia Mike Post author

    Absolutely. Whenever I get a ‘df -h’ reading on a sshfs-mounted directory, it reports 7.5 terabytes. I will be investigating this disc further.

  3. Reimar

    A CD holding 1.2 GB was one of the first “copy protections” I ran across (was it a Tomb Raider CD? I don’t remember). The trick is simply to have multiple file reference to the save data, hardlinks on CD if you want. Though in that special case I think there was simply a file that contained the whole CD, with size around 650 MB.

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