Tag Archives: tmv

TMV In FFmpeg

I’m pretty sure that Trixter is equally honored and disturbed that Daniel Verkamp has contributed a TMV playback system to FFmpeg.

Neo from "The Matrix", transcoded into TMV format
VLC playing the8trix.tmv transcoded by FFmpeg to PNG-in-AVI

To review, TMV started out as a joke, or perhaps a dare. It was a challenge to try to play 30fps full motion video on an original PC. “Original PC” is defined as 4.77 MHz 8088 CPU, CGA graphics, and original 8-bit Sound Blaster.

For further creepiness, Trixter, here is a new FATE test which will guarantee that FFmpeg reliably decodes TMV files on dozens of different CPU/OS/compiler configurations.

Speaking of FATE, I have neglected to mention that MichaelK has kindly contributed continuous testing resources for NetBSD and OpenSolaris, both on x86_32. Further, Måns continues to work his little ARM-based Beagle Board to the bone and has added more compiler configurations.

Here are some more new FATE tests (thanks to Vitor for adding specific tests to the FATE Test Coverage page):

One more thing– can anyone make FFplay compile under Mac OS X? I thought I succeeded once but now I can’t seem to do it. I would like to take screenshots as seen above using FFplay. But I can’t get the program to work correctly anywhere. Maybe it needs to be formally deprecated… or I need to think of a way to continuously test it via FATE.