While browsing at a Salvation Army store this past weekend I found a bin of old CD-ROMs. Naturally, I just had to get a few. Actually, I probably would have taken most of the bin if the merchandise was less than a static $2 per disc. But there was at least one disc I just couldn’t pass up– a Taco Bell-themed computer game. Tek Kids something or other, and disc 2 of 4 to boot. It likely came with a children’s meal for little or no cost above and beyond the cost of the meal. This means I probably paid more for it than the original customer did. Still, I look forward to seeing what the thing is all about.
I also recently learned that Burger King is running a promotional Xbox game tie-in where customers can purchase one of 3 BK-themed Xbox/Xbox 360 games for a nominal price in addition to their meal. Collect them all!
This all reminds me that I have a pile of licensed schlock game titles to review for multimedia purposes, many procured from a variety of garage sales (and many which still need permanent homes is the MobyGames database). You-have-to-see-it-to-believe-it titles include:
- Tek Kids Flash Ops– Mission: Polar Challenge (the aforementioned Taco Bell game)
- Snowday: The Gap Kids Quest
- Little Caesar’s Fractions Pizza
- Kellogg’s Pop-Tarts Presents: Rescue The Rusties
- 13 Days of Halloween: Rhythm And Boos (breakfast cereal tie-in)
- Cap’n Crunch’s Crunchling Adventure

click for a closer look
And this further reminds me what kind of a backlog I’m still looking at for my Multimedia Exploration Journal. Some people observe that I’m the only person they know that thinks it’s a chore to work through this many games; the only person who sighs and talks about how many games are yet to “be processed”.
It’s the path I’ve chosen.
Probably one of the best of these licensed type games is Chex Quest. It was a total conversion of Doom, and was packed into (not surprisingly) boxes of Chex. It actually had a sequel.
I knew that sounded familiar– I have Chex Quest on my master games spreadsheet as well, waiting to be examined.
Silly though it may seem, Chex cereal actually has some great pack-ins. The very best Christmas music CD I have ever heard came out of a box of Chex cereal.