Another geeky license plate observed here in the San Francisco bay area: ‘DMACH5’. The best I can think of is direct memory access (DMA) channel #5. Or perhaps DMA controller H5. I can’t possibly come up with any kind of cosmic, or technological significance for DMA channel 5. But someone thought it was unique enough to slap on his Lexus.
Then I saw ‘EFG FTW’. At first I thought the driver was just enthusiastic about medical equipment. But I realized I was thinking of EKG. My best guess is that this driver is, or was, a member of a pro gaming group named EFGaming that was apparently based in the area. That makes more sense.
Although I feel bad for knowing this, it’s more likely it stood for epic fail guy.
DMACH5 = The Mach 5 from speed racer.
See, that’s why I’m glad I have an impromptu license plate forum here. Yo’s interpretation of DMACH5 is arguably even more geeky than my assumption.
i saw a plate , but still cant figure it out:
Could be a contraction of Forgotten War (aka Korean War), though what that would be doing on a license plate is anyone’s guess.
wow thats about the best guess i’ve seen :)
i kept thinking frieght something or other.