And you had better listen. Michael Niedermayer, multimedia guru and leader of the FFmpeg project, writes at his new blog. Settle in at the Lair Of The Multimedia Guru.
Category Archives: General
Spyware In Multimedia Files
I am a big fan of Rooster Teeth’s Red vs. Blue Machinima series– in fact, I own all 3 of the DVDs so far. I was excited to see that Rooster Teeth was commissioned to create a Machinima mini-series for the new F.E.A.R. game called P.A.N.I.C.S.

Funny stuff. Download and enjoy. But to be safe, use an open source multimedia playback application. Here is a curious excerpt from the P.A.N.I.C.S. FAQ:
Q: When I play the video my firewall says it’s trying to access the internet, what’s the deal?
A: The producers and promotions company wanted to track the popularity of the videos, so they added a small tag that hits a server, much like a webpage counter. No information besides the IP and the hit are recorded.
I have been trying to figure out if the tracking mechanism is embedded in the multimedia files somehow. My hypothesis is that there is some kind of information embedded in the multimedia files that instructs the multimedia player to perform an HTTP GET request to a web server. Each of the 4 downloadable files is available in both Windows Media and QuickTime formats. I know that QuickTime is hyper-flexible enough to allow for arbitrary things like requesting web pages; it’s reasonable that WMV supports a similar feature. However, looking through the files with a hex editor reveals no obvious “http://…” strings, even when I decompress the QuickTime header in the .mov files.
If anyone knows how this tracking tech operates, I’m sure I’m not the only interested party.
The moral of the story is to always use open source software to view your multimedia. You can trust that the open source multimedia players do not implement user-surveillance features because we developers do not even know how the features work!
Believe it or not, security is a high priority among open source multimedia hackers. For example, on the FFmpeg project, the decree is in place that no file creation facilities (like file muxers) may place valid timestamp data into the file which would indicate when the file was created. It was believed among some that this is tantamount to spyware. If you have trouble swallowing that reasoning, a less tinfoil-hat-like explanation is that arbitrary timestamps create havoc with regression testing.
I just thought you might like to know that we’re looking out for you and your safe computing experience.
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Free Games That Used To Be Commercial Games
As I read new trivia additions on MobyGames, I see more and more bits about commercial games being open sourced. I figured that there must be some site out there that documents such transitions and lo and behold:
I wager there is some custom FMV code in there somewhere. We already know for a fact that:
- Descent II source contains a 16-bit Interplay MVE decoder
- Quake II source contains a Quake II Cinematic (.cin) decoder
- Quake III source contains a RoQ decoder
A number of the games listed at Liberated Games are only free in that the binary executable and data are available, but no source code.
A few more items I would like to investigate:
- Hexen II is open source (GPL). This screenshot makes it look like the game has some FMV. This game is based on the Quake engine. Per my understanding, Quake did not feature FMV. Quake II did.
- Stargunner is free for download. This screenshot looks like it might be FMV.
- Hidden & Dangerous is free for download. These screenshots may or may not represent FMV.
- Further, The Ur-quan Masters (Star Control 2) has released both source and data. Part of the data available for download is a speech pack. Nothing too special; all of the speech is available in Ogg Vorbis format.
Update: Trixter sends this intelligence about the titles above:
- Hexen II — can’t verify if that’s video, but there are Animation credits in the game so it is probably yes. However, most times that stuff is a FLIC file. (BTW, don’t get all bunched up over FLIC — there are two main variants that are easy to support; the rest of all that junk was introduced and supported by only that one company you found the info on.)
- Stargunner: same thing, most likely a 320×200 VGA FLIC.
- H&D: no video as far as I know.