Category Archives: General

Anti-Spam Upgrade

I just upgraded my principle blog anti-spam measure, WP-HashCash, to the latest version. I know that some readers have been blocked by this when trying to comment. In fact, I was even blocked recently when I tried to post a comment. Please let me know if WP-HashCash gives you any trouble.

I think that WP-HashCash uses a great idea to stop spambots by issuing a programmatic challenge to the client before accepting a client’s comment. This sort of thing has been proposed as a solution for email spam but would not be tractable without modifying the fundamental email protocols. I have never seen this blog nailed by spambots so I can only assume that the plugin is doing its job, which I realize may not be very sound reasoning.

Old Docs/New Management

Thanks to MultimediaWiki user Dashcloud who has been working on digging up old game-oriented multimedia documents authored by one Valery V. Anisimovsky over the years and entering them into the MultimediaWiki. Valery’s Game Audio Player (GAP) and associated website no longer seem to be around, nor is Valery. Under such circumstances, I have no qualms about consolidating the old data into the Wiki so that it may live on, and also be updated as necessary. Though if anyone has contact with Valery these days, please pass this post along.

SSE4 On The Way

It came to my attention the other night that Intel will be rolling out an SSE4 set of instructions. Here is the Wikipedia treatment including the new instruction mnemonics. You sort of have to be skilled in the art of SIMD programming to begin to intuitively make sense of nonsense like PSIGNW, PSHUFB, and PMADDUBSW.

This got me wondering, though: Did we ever have occasion to apply the SSE3 instruction set for general multimedia programming? All I remember from that set is that it had instructions to do add/subtract operations in parallel which apparently has application toward fractal programming which, in turn, has application in… making pretty fractal artwork, from what I hear.

Mandelbrot set

Will there be any practical A/V codec use for the new SSE4 instructions?

Update: Guillaume Poirer had trouble with the anti-spam measures in the comment section (reminding me to get that software properly upgraded). Here is what he had to say:

SSE4 will surely be interesting as these instructions are to deal with integers, which are extensively used in video encoding. This is what Loren Merritt has to say about SSE4.

What I don’t understand though is why there’s no documentation about SSE4 (or whatever the official name is) on Intel’s website (but maybe it’s because I haven’t been lucky).

About SSE3, these instructions were mostly usefull for float/complex operations, which aren’t usefull for video encoding, though maybe they can be usefull for audio encoding, I don’t know.

Working Through The Backlog

It’s time to try clearing out my ridiculous backlog of games to review for multimedia. Some of this stash goes back to some spent game shop visits in November, 2004. Here is the Multimedia Exploration Journal entry for August 13, 2006. 10 games, nothing too new in the multimedia department, save for Burn: Cycle and possibly Hostile Waters: Antaeus Rising. And I’m still trying to figure out how a compact disc can possibly hold 2.7 GB of data, as the CD for Deathtrap Dungeon claims to do.