Author Archives: Multimedia Mike

Installing CrystalHD Drivers In Linux

Executive Summary: I tried to get a Broadcom CrystalHD chip to work in Linux. I came close to being successful. The chip, kernel driver, and userspace library all work. The example app that would have been the payoff… not so much. I document my process in this post in case others need assistance, or can lend assistance in the final step.

There was some news recently about Broadcom open sourcing code related to a video decoding chip. The brand name here is apparently “CrystalHD” and the chip in question is the BCM-70012. I came into possession of one of these and endeavored to make the open source software surrounding it work in Linux.

The first issue is installing the hardware. It’s a PCI Express mini card which has the same form factor as a PCIe mini wireless networking card. So if your computer can host such a wireless card, it can also hold this thing. Allegedly. First, I tried to place it in the empty PCIe-mini slot in my MSI Wind Nettop. No go. The machine refused to boot up (it would power up but never beep to indicate that it’s really ready to run). Removing the card made the problem go away.

So determined was I to make this chip work that I actually took apart my dear Eee PC 701, ripped out the wireless card and replaced it with the Broadcom card. Deciding it would be too much trouble to attempt to re-attach the keyboard and touchpad ribbons, I realized I could just use USB peripherals.

Resigned to the notion that I just foolishly destroyed my 2 year old Eee PC, I threw the switch anyway and was quite surprised to see it boot up normally. An ‘lspci’ command indicates a new Broadcom multimedia controller hanging off the PCI bus. It’s not pretty but it’s breathing:

Eee PC 701 disassembled with Broadcom CrystalHD decoder installed

So let’s talk software. Broadcom released the driver as open source. To many in the open source community, this is tantamount to, “Okay, done deal! What else needs to be open sourced?” Not so fast. There’s no documentation in the whole package (user-wise, anyway; the libcrystalhd API is thoroughly documented in header comments). So I will describe my experiences with the software.

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First FATE Tests of the New Year

First off, FFmpeg’s Interplay MVE decoder finally supports 16-bit video mode in addition to the original palette mode. I would post a pretty picture showcasing this (as I often do for new game-related formats) but Kostya has already done the honors.

I added some new FATE tests today based on systems that have recently appeared in FFmpeg:

Microsoft Jingle Bells

I acquired an MP3 all the way back in 1997 or 1998 which is a parody of Jingle Bells holiday tune that laments Microsoft-branded bloatware. Mildly humorous at the time, the song now serves as a technology time capsule. The internet seems unsure of who wrote or performed the song or when it was recorded, but the lyrics give a clue about its vintage. The singer complains that MS Word takes a whole 60 megabytes of RAM to run and occupies 900 megabytes of disc space.

Nine-tenths of a gig, biggest ever seen,
God, this program’s big: MS Word 15!
Comes on ten CDs, and requires–damn!
Word is fine, but jeez, 60 megs of RAM?!
Oh! Microsoft, Microsoft, bloatware all the way!
I’ve sat here installing Word, since breakfast yesterday!
Oh! Microsoft, Microsoft, moderation, please.
Guess you hadn’t noticed: Four-gig drives don’t grow on trees!

This clearly hearkens back to a time when 4 gigabyte drives were considered premium. I’m trying to remember when 4 GB drives were introduced and would have commanded a prohibitive price. Whenever it was, it still strikes me as ironic considering that I am typing this on my Linux-based Eee PC 701 which is equipped with 4 GB of storage which is just barely enough for Ubuntu 9.10 to tread water (ran out of space today, in fact, and I had to scramble to make room to keep working).

Supplying FFmpeg With Metadata

UPDATE, 2010-06-17: This information is now maintained via the FFmpeg Metadata page on the MultimediaWiki.

While creating my automated game archiving solution, I wanted to automatically tag ALAC/M4A files with appropriate metadata while encoding using FFmpeg. Then I realized I didn’t know how to do that. I do remember that FFmpeg recently supplanted a series of specific metadata command line options (like -title and -album) with a highly generalized metadata framework that is accessed by the option ‘-metadata <key>=<value>’. The official documentation provides this lonely (and, I came to realize, useless NO-OP; more on why later) example of the option’s usage:

    `-metadata key=value'

      Set a metadata key/value pair. For example, 
      for setting the title in the output file:

      ffmpeg -i in.avi -metadata title="my title" out.flv

So this option allows you to specify absolutely any key/value metadata pair you can imagine. However, a specific muxer won’t necessarily recognize it. How can I know the specific keys that, e.g., the MOV/MP4 muxer honors? 2 methods spring to mind: Trial and error (worked out well for me at first) and reading the code (which was made a good deal easier when I already knew a few of the keys that worked).

I think it would be a good idea to document the specific metadata keys that each muxer in FFmpeg recognizes. This blog post will lead by example. This data comes from SVN revision 20910, current as of 2009-12-21.

QuickTime/MOV/MP4/M4A/et al.

I have constructed the following table of the metadata keys that libavformat/movenc.c honors. The low-level identifier column lists the atom name that the format uses to encode the data on disc, which is not interesting to most readers. For the interested but uninitiated, the notation, e.g., ‘\251nam’ indicates a 4-byte code consisting of the byte A9 in hexadecimal (or 251 in octal) followed by the ASCII characters ‘n’, ‘a’, and ‘m’.

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