
At long last, I am getting around to posting some omelette pictures in an effort to re-hijack the search term. Not only is the site named for the breakfast food, it will have a post about the same illustrated with pictures. Omelettes– they’re not just about multimedia technology and reverse engineering anymore! Without further ado…

This was an all-around well-done omelette.

Omelette cooking
This is an omelette in the early stages of cooking. I must have used most of the spices on my shelf for this one.

Omelette with jalapenos
This one looks like it has jalapenos baked in.

Omelette burned
Sometimes, things go bad. I probably just wasn’t watching this one and it burned. Looks like it is leaking chopped onions, too.

2 thoughts on “Omelettes!

  1. Robert Swain

    I don’t think I’d ever contemplate searching for omelettes or eggs when looking for this blog. :) Maybe some more related search terms to the actual content…

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