Category Archives: Java

Posts relating to Java reverse engineering and de-obfuscation strategies

Automated Java De-obfuscation

If they value their intellectual property, responsible Java-developing software companies use some kind of code obfuscator as part of their build process. This way, there is very little chance that a Java class file will be unleashed that retains the original identifiers. One such Java source code obfuscator is called Retroguard. But can the tool be used for its opposite purpose?

As an aside, I need to point out some irony: I once took a Java course where the instructor claimed that Java is desirable to proprietary software outfits because it can be compiled, and IP implicitly guarded, whereas programs written in interpreted languages, notably Perl, need their source code redistributed. In fact, Java code is very trivial to decompile, whereas languages like Perl can be compiled for redistribution.

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