Category Archives: Multimedia PressWatch

Random articles relating to multimedia technology.

PC-Less Internet Movies

The IMDb Studio Briefing constantly posts articles about how this or that media company is going to offer movies over the internet. Now, you are supposed to be able to get these movies without the bother of going through a PC:

TV Viewers To Receive Movies Over the Internet Without a P.C.:

Microsoft is partnering with movie download service CinemaNow to pipe movies to the TV sets of consumers over the Internet without a computer…

Some Starting Multimedia Articles

For years, I have been addicted to reading Internet Movie Database Studio Briefing newslets. They can always be counted on for pithy synopses and fluffy press release rehashes on major multimedia tech announcements. Here are a few from recent weeks:

Coming Next Month: Movies on a Chip:

Opening yet another ancillary revenue stream for Hollywood, a British company called Rok Player is planning to begin selling movies next month on Digital Video Chips that can slip into new-generation cell phones…

Hybrid High-Definition DVD Disc To Be Introduced
Can’t decide whether to be an early adopter of HD-DVD or Blu-Ray when they raid your wallet later this year? You may not have to choose:

…two Japanese electronics companies say they plan to introduce hybrid high-definition DVD discs that will be compatible with both the Blu-ray and HD-DVD formats.

And from today’s issue: New Chip Will Permit Portable TV Recorders

Advanced Micro Devices (AMD) plans to unveil a chip that will allow consumers to download TV programs to a portable video player without having to route them through a personal computer first…