Well, probably. In my quest for weird and wacky multimedia samples I have amassed quite a collection of game titles. The number is well in excess of 400 right now. Not a hardcore collector by any stretch of the imagination. But it’s more than enough for any member of the opposite sex to write me off as an emotionally stunted, overgrown adolescent, despite the fact that I rarely actually play any of these games.
I catalog the games’ multimedia technology in my Multimedia Exploration Journal (and I presently have 70-80 games to process for the journal). If you care what all the games are, here is the master spreadsheet I maintain:
- mike-games.sxc (OpenOffice Calc format)
- mike-games.xls (same document exported to Microsoft Excel format)
Mostly, the spreadsheet is to help track which information still needs to go into MobyGames. I have not updated the spreadsheet in a little while so some of the red and yellow cells might be a little inaccurate w.r.t. the database.

Do you have any dusty old games stuffed in the closet? Do you have at least mild obsessive-compulsive tendencies? Check the MobyGames database and see if you have anything to contribute with those old games– box and media scans, game screenshots, reviews, the game itself if necessary– I have dozens of titles that still don’t exist in the database, expansive though it may be (27,478 games as of this post).