Category Archives: Game Hacking

Cracking Aztec Game Audio

Here’s a mild multimedia-related reverse engineering challenge for you. It’s pretty straightforward for those skilled in the art.

The Setup
One side effect of running this ridiculously niche interest blog at the intersection of multimedia, reverse engineering, and game hacking is that people occasionally contact me for assistance on those very matters. So it was when one of my MobyGames peers asked if I can help to extract some music from a game called Aztec Wars. The game consists of 2 discs, each with a music.xbe file that contains multiple tunes and is hundreds of megabytes large.

That’s all the data I received from the first email. At first I’m wondering what makes people think I have some magical insight into cracking these formats with such little information. Ordinarily, I would need to have the entire data file to work with and possibly the game binaries. But I didn’t want to ask him to upload hundreds of megabytes of data and I didn’t feel like downloading it; commitment issues and all.

But then I gathered a little confidence and remembered that the .xbe files are probably just Game Resource Archive Formats (GRAF) which are, traditionally, absurdly simple. I asked my colleague to send me a hexdump of the first kilobyte of one of the .xbe GRAFs ('hexdump -C -n 1024 music.xbe > file') as well as the total file size of the GRAF.

The Hexdump
The first music.xbe file is 192817376 bytes large. These are the first 1024 144 bytes (more than enough):

00000000  01 00 00 00 60 04 00 00  14 00 00 00 01 00 00 00  |....`...........|
00000010  0d 00 00 00 48 00 00 00  94 39 63 01 1c a4 21 03  |....H....9c..¤!.|
00000020  7a d2 54 04 04 28 ad 05  d8 88 fd 06 d8 88 fd 06  |zÒT..(­.Ø.ý.Ø.ý.|
00000030  2a 6e 46 08 2a 6e 46 08  2a 6e 46 08 2a 6e 46 08  |*nF.*nF.*nF.*nF.|
00000040  50 13 2f 0a e0 28 7e 0b  52 49 46 46 44 39 63 01  |P./.à(~.RIFFD9c.|
00000050  57 41 56 45 66 6d 74 20  10 00 00 00 01 00 02 00  |WAVEfmt ........|
00000060  44 ac 00 00 10 b1 02 00  04 00 10 00 64 61 74 61  |D¬...±|
00000070  fc 13 63 01 00 00 00 00  00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00  |ü.c.............|
00000080  00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00  00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00  |................|

The Challenge
Armed with only the information in the foregoing section, figure out a method for extracting all the audio files in that file and advise on their playback/conversion. Ideally, this method should require minimal effort from both you and the person on the other end of the conversation.

The Resolution
The reason I ask is because I came up with a solution but knew, deep down, that there must be a slightly easier way. How would you solve this?

The music files in question are now preserved on YouTube (until they see fit to remove them for one reason or another).

Revisiting Nosefart and Discovering GME

I found the following screenshot buried deep in an old directory structure of mine:

I tried to recall how this screenshot came to exist. Had I actually created a functional KDE frontend to Nosefart yet neglected to release it? I think it’s more likely that I used some designer tool (possibly KDevelop) to prototype a frontend. This would have been sometime in 2000.

However, this screenshot prompted me to revisit Nosefart.

Nosefart Background
Nosefart is a program that can play Nintendo Sound Format (NSF) files. NSF files are files containing components that were surgically separated from Nintendo Entertainment System (NES) ROM dumps. These components contain the music playback engines for various games. An NSF player is a stripped down emulation system that can simulate the NES6502 CPU along with the custom hardware (2 square waves, 1 triangle wave, 1 noise generator, and 1 limited digital channel).

Nosefart was written by Matt Conte and eventually imported into a Sourceforge project, though it has not seen any development since then. The distribution contains standalone command line players for Linux and DOS, a GTK frontend for the Linux command line version, and plugins for Winamp, XMMS, and CL-Amp.

The Sourceforge project page notes that Nosefart is also part of XBMC. Let the record show that Nosefart is also incorporated into xine (I did that in 2002, I think).

Upgrading the API
When I tried running the command line version of Nosefart under Linux, I hit hard against the legacy audio API: OSS. Remember that?

In fairly short order, I was able to upgrade the CL program to use PulseAudio. The program is not especially sophisticated. It’s a single-threaded affair which checks for a keypress, processes an audio frame, and sends the frame out to the OSS file interface. All that was needed was to rewrite open_hardware() and close_hardware() for PA and then replace the write statement in play(). The only quirk that stood out is that including <pulse/pulseaudio.h> is insufficient for programming PA’s simple API. <pulse/simple.h> must be included separately.

For extra credit, I adapted the program to ALSA. The program uses the most simplistic audio output API possible — just keep filling a buffer and sending it out to the DAC.

Discovering GME
I’m not sure what to do with the the program now since, during my research to attempt to bring Nosefart up to date, I became aware of a software library named Game Music Emu, or GME. It’s a pure C++ library that can essentially play any classic video game format you can possible name. Wow. A lot can happen in 10 years when you’re not paying attention.

It’s such a well-written library that I didn’t need any tutorial or documentation to come up to speed. Just a quick read of the main gme.h header library enabled me in short order to whip up a quick C program that could play NSF and SPC files. Path of least resistance: Client program asks library to open a hardcoded file, synthesize 10 seconds of audio, and dump it into a file; ask the FLAC command line program to transcode raw data to .flac file; use ffplay to verify the results.

I might develop some other uses for this library.

Tele-Arena Lives On

Readers know I have a peculiar interest in taking apart video games and that I would rather study a game’s inner workings than actually play it. I take an interest on others’ efforts in this same area. It’s still in my backlog to take a closer look at Clone2727’s body of work. But I wanted to highlight my friend’s work on re-implementing a game called Tele-Arena.

Back In The Day
As some of you are likely aware, there was a dark age of online communication that predated the era of widespread internet access. This was known as “The BBS Age”. People dialed into these BBSes using modems that operated at abysmal transfer speeds and would communicate with other users, upload and download files, and play an occasional game.

BBS software evolved and perhaps the ultimate (and final) evolution was Galacticomm’s MajorBBS (MBBS). There were assorted games that plugged into the MBBS, all rendered in glorious color ANSI graphics. One of the most famous of these games was Tele-Arena (TA). TA was a multiplayer fantasy-themed text adventure game. Perhaps you could think of it as World of Warcraft, only rendered as interactive fiction instead of a rich 3D landscape. (Disclaimer: I might not be qualified to make that comparison since I have never experienced WoW firsthand, though I did play TA on and off about 17 years ago).

TA was often compared to multi-user dungeons — or MUDs — that were played by telneting into internet servers hosting games. Such comparisons were usually unfavorable as people who had experience with both TA and MUDs were sniffy elitists with internet access who thought they were sooooo much better than those filthy, BBS-dialing serfs.

Sorry, didn’t mean to open old wounds.

Modern Retelling of A Classic Tale
Anyway, my friend Ron Kinney is perhaps the world’s biggest fan of TA. So much so that he has re-implemented the engine in Java under the project name Ether. He’s in a similar situation as the ScummVM project in that, while the independent, open source engine is fair game for redistribution, it would be questionable to redistribute the original data files. That’s why he created an AreaBuilder application that generates independent game data files.

Ironically, you can also telnet into a server on which Ron hosts an instance of Tele-Arena (ironic in the sense that the internet/BBS conflict gets a little blurry).

I hope that one day Ron will regale us with the strangest tales from the classic TA days. My personal favorite was “Wrath of a Sysop.”

Studying A Game Wave Disc

I picked up a used copy of game called Gemz — a rather flagrant Bejeweled clone — for a game console called Game Wave Family Entertainment System. Heard of it? Neither had I. But the game media is optical, so I had to get it and study it.

When mounted in Linux (as UDF), the disc is reported to contain 2.8 GB of data, so it has to be a DVD. 810 MB of that is dedicated to the movies/ directory. Multimedia format? Just plain, boring MPEG files (very YouTube-friendly– here’s the opening animation). Deeper digging reveals some more subdirectories called movies/ that, combined, occupy the lion’s share of the disc space. Additionally, there are several single-frame .m2v files in a directory called iframes/ which are used to encode things like load screens.

There are more interesting data files including .zbm files for images and fonts, and .zwf files for audio. I suspect that these stand for zipped bitmap and zipped wave file, respectively. They can’t be directly unzipped with ‘gunzip’. Some of the numbers at the start of some files lead me to believe they can be easily decompressed with standard zlib facilities.

Based on the binary files on the Gemz disc, I couldn’t find any data on what CPU this system might use. A little Googling led me to this page at the Video Game Console Library which pegs the brain as a Mediamatics 6811. Some searching for that leads me to a long-discontinued line of hardware from National Semiconductor.

The Console Library page also mentions that the games were developed using the Lua programming language. Indeed, there are many Lua-related strings in the game’s binaries (‘zlib’ also makes an appearance).