Category Archives: FATE Server

Multiprocess FATE Revisited

I thought I had brainstormed a simple, elegant, multithreaded, deadlock-free refactoring for FATE in a previous post. However, I sort of glossed over the test ordering logic which I had not yet prototyped. The grim, possibly deadlock-afflicted reality is that the main thread needs to be notified as tests are completed. So, the main thread sends test specs through a queue to be executed by n tester threads and those threads send results to a results aggregator thread. Additionally, the results aggregator will need to send completed test IDs back to the main thread.

But when I step back and look at the graph, I can’t rationalize why there should be a separate results aggregator thread. That was added to cut down on deadlock possibilities since the main thread and the tester threads would not be waiting for data from each other. Now that I’ve come to terms with the fact that the main and the testers need to exchange data in realtime, I think I can safely eliminate the result thread. Adding more threads is not the best way to guard against race conditions and deadlocks. Ask xine.

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Revised FATE Test Spec System

FATE involves some database tables that define the test specifications. Like everything else in FATE, the concept could use some improvement. After I prototyped an improved, multithreaded testing client, the next logical revision seemed to be the test spec system.

The test spec system has been handled by a single table that includes an FFmpeg command line (with a few possible modifiers thrown in), an integer ID, a human-friendly ID, a description, the expected command line return code, the expected command output, a maximum runtime, and a Boolean to indicate whether the test is to be considered active.

Adjunct to this test database is a large corpus of test media named the FATE suite.

At first, the FATE testing script used a direct MySQL database protocol to query the test specs from the server before every build/test cycle. I soon realized this was ludicrously inefficient since the test specs don’t change that often. So I cached the tests in a static file to be retrieved via HTTP, first in Python’s “pickled” (serialized) format, then in an SQLite database.

Planned Upgrades
There are 2 major features I would like to build into the system going forward:

  1. The ability to version the entire suite so that it’s possible to test old branches of FFmpeg
  2. Another database field to indicate which, if any, other test specs must be executed before this spec can be executed

I think I will take this opportunity to switch the test cache serialization format to JSON. I switched from Python pickling to SQLite because the latter was more portable between languages. JSON has that same benefit. Further, working with JSON data doesn’t require a round trip to disk (i.e., want to generate an SQLite database for sending via HTTP? It needs to go onto disk first. It’s possible to create and manipulate a database entirely in memory but not fetch the bits).

Things To Research

  • Pondering how version control systems operate and what they have to teach regarding how to version this data (including the question of whether I can just use an existing version control mechanism instead of creating my own system)
  • Efficient caching mechanism
  • Tagging test specs for alternate purposes such as longevity testing
  • Learn about web form programming in the 21st century so that it’s not quite as painful to maintain the system.

Preliminary Versioning Concept
Here is one approach I am thinking of: Create test groups. Each test spec is assigned to at least one test group. I can think of at least 2 groups: functional (the base test set in existence that validates functionality) and profiling (the projected test set that will be used for ongoing performance and memory profiling). The web frontend will allow for the creation of labels that will apply to a single group. Doing so will apply that label to all active tests in the group.

FATE Ends the Mac

Did you know Mac OS X can even blue-screen? To be fair, it doesn’t actually present a blue screen. But when Mac OS X encounters a kernel panic, it looks like this:

True to form, Mac just has to be prettier and glossier than other operating systems, even in the area of system crashes.

The reason I bring this up is that the FATE system is bringing down my Mac. My Mac Mini is reliably dying every single time I try to execute my FATE client Python script. Maybe the weather is getting too warm.

Update, 2010-6-8: Following advice in the comments, I tried to run Memtest86 on the Mac Mini in question. I couldn’t get the machine to boot the CD I made. As an alternative, I turned the machine off and let it rest for a night. In the morning, I turned it on and ran the FATE client script. It’s working for now.