Not to be outdone by the recent delay of HD-DVD technology, Sony has also delayed Blu-Ray consumer devices. Today’s IMDb Studio Briefing reports “that [Sony] has been forced to delay the launch of PlayStation 3 until November”. The reason cited is most curious: “to upgrade the copy-protection feature of its Blu-ray technology.”

The last I heard, Blu-Ray and HD-DVD were both supposed to leverage Advanced Access Content System (AACS) for content protection. Maybe Sony went off the reservation by implementing a separate DRM scheme? Or possibly there is much more to the story than can be fit in a 2-sentence news brief.
It has been a long time since I looked at that AACS stuff, there wasn’t much to look at. Let’s look again: Now, the site’s specification page contains 7 different PDF documents. Their FAQ page is still conspicuously empty, which is too bad since the #1 question I have is, “How is this scheme ever supposed to fly?” I can’t wait to read through all of the PDFs.
Any particular reason why you’re associating the Blu-ray logo with Gay Pride?
If you’re seeing that, you tried to hotlink the image from another site. You may not want to do that. I would have liked to see the result, though; I’m collecting screenshots of the results of subverting filthy hotlinkers.