Category Archives: Sega Dreamcast

Notes on Linux for Dreamcast

I wanted to write down some notes about compiling Linux on Dreamcast (which I have yet to follow through to success). But before I do, allow me to follow up on my last post where I got Google’s libvpx library decoding VP8 video on the DC. Remember when I said the graphics hardware could only process variations of RGB color formats? I was mistaken. Reading over some old documentation, I noticed that the DC’s PowerVR hardware can also handle packed YUV textures (UYVY, specifically):

The video looks pretty sharp in the small photo. Up close, less so, due to the low resolution and high quantization of the test vector combined with the naive chroma upscaling. For the curious, the grey box surrounding the image highlights the 256-square texture that the video frame gets plotted on. Texture dimensions have to be powers of 2.

Notes on Linux for Dreamcast
I’ve occasionally dabbled with Linux on my Dreamcast. There’s an ancient (circa 2001) distro based around a build of kernel 2.4.5 out there. But I wanted to try to get something more current compiled. Thus far, I have figured out how to cross compile kernels pretty handily but have been unsuccessful in making them run.

Here are notes are the compilation portion:
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Decoding VP8 On A Sega Dreamcast

I got Google’s libvpx VP8 codec library to compile and run on the Sega Dreamcast with its Hitachi/Renesas SH-4 200 MHz CPU. So give Google/On2 their due credit for writing portable software. I’m not sure how best to illustrate this so please accept this still photo depicting my testbench Dreamcast console driving video to my monitor:

Why? Because I wanted to try my hand at porting some existing software to this console and because I tend to be most comfortable working with assorted multimedia software components. This seemed like it would be a good exercise.

You may have observed that the video is blue. Shortest, simplest answer: Pure laziness. Short, technical answer: Path of least resistance for getting through this exercise. Longer answer follows.

Update: I did eventually realize that the Dreamcast can work with YUV textures. Read more in my followup post.

Process and Pitfalls
libvpx comes with a number of little utilities including decode_to_md5.c. The first order of business was porting over enough source files to make the VP8 decoder compile along with the MD5 testbench utility.

Again, I used the KallistiOS (KOS) console RTOS (aside: I’m still working to get modern Linux kernels compiled for the Dreamcast). I started by configuring and compiling libvpx on a regular desktop Linux system. From there, I was able to modify a number of configuration options to make the build more amenable to the embedded RTOS.
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Of ctors and dtors

I haven’t given up on the Sega Dreamcast programming. I was able to compile a bunch of homebrew code for the DC many years ago and I can’t make it work anymore. Again, I was working with a purpose-built, open source RTOS named KallistiOS (or KOS). I can make the programs compile but not run. I had ELF files left over from years ago which still executed. But when I tried to build new ELF files, no luck– the programs crashed before even reaching my main() function.

I found the problem: ELF files are comprised of a number of sections and 2 of these sections are named ‘.ctors’ and ‘.dtors’ which stand for constructors and destructors. The KOS RTOS performs a manual traversal of .ctors section during program initialization and this is where things go bad. The traversal code doesn’t seem to account for a .ctors section that only contains a single entry. I commented out the function that does the traversal and programs started to work, at least until it was time to exit the program and return control to the program loader. That’s when the counterpart .dtors section traversal code ran and demonstrated the same problem. I’ll exhibit the problematic code at the end of this post.

So I’m finally tinkering with Sega Dreamcast programming once again and with a slightly better grasp of software engineering than the first time I did this.

Portable and Compatible C?
If nothing else, this low-level embedded stuff exposes you to some serious toolchain arcana, the likes of which you will likely never see working strictly in the desktop arena.

Still, this exercise makes me wonder why C code from a decade ago doesn’t compile reliably now. Part of it is because gcc has gotten stricter about the syntax it will accept. In the case of this specific crashing problem, I suspect it comes down to a difference in the way the linker generates the final ELF file. I’ve written a list of items I have had to modify in the KOS codebase in order to get it to compile on more recent gcc versions. I wonder if it would be worth publishing the specifics, or if anyone would ever find the information useful? Oh, who am I kidding? Of course I’ll write it up, perhaps publish a new version of the code, if only because that’s the best chance I have of finding my own work again some years down the road.

Problematic C Code
See if this code makes any sense to you. It somehow traverse a list of 32-bit function pointers (in different directions, depending on constructors or destructors), executing each in turn. However, it appears to fall over if the list of pointers consists of a single entry.
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