Category Archives: Open Source Multimedia

News regarding open source multimedia projects.

Xan Binary Decoding

In the time-honored tradition of avoiding real work, I made an extension to xine that will decode Origin’s Xan codec (FourCC: Xxan). This is despite my long-standing policy that I will not invest any effort into making open source programs leverage closed, binary code in order to decode data.

Wing Commander IV Title

I have no intention of committing it to the xine codebase because, really, who cares? But let’s see MPlayer decode Xan data! Ha! Oh, why do I provoke them so? They’re going to have a workable decoder 20 minutes after I post this.

If you care, I posted the xine plugin code here: This is based on Mário Brito’s extensive Wing Commander research. It needs a very large table for decoding (128KB of data expressed in ASCII text) and that’s contained in xandata.h[.bz2]. Ideally, I think that table is supposed to be generated by some DLL function. Xan samples and the xanlib.dll are located at the MPlayer samples repository.

This particular plugin is based on one of my old reverse engineering experiments. The reason I took on this task is because loading xanlib.dll and calling into it isn’t especially difficult. At least, none of the relevant functions are dependent upon any external functions. Thus, I just used a few strategic mmap() functions and loaded the binary code directly into specific memory regions. Oh, the code only works on x86 architectures, of course.

MPlayer Samples Archive Is Back

The MPlayer samples archive lives on. I hereby declare my old private samples repository deprecated. Further, I am now linking to the samples archive via individual MultimediaWiki pages. Feel free to do the same.

I just spent a few hours creating links from the Wiki into the samples archive– oh please, archive, don’t go away ever again— and creating new pages based on old formats I had forgotten about.

AAC Puzzles

You thought those Pickover puzzles were inane? Well, you were right. But it does help to keep a programmer sharp on pure computer science skills. One reason I have been having such a good time reverse engineering the FAAD2 source is because it represents a bunch of little puzzles. Only they’re considerably more straightforward and grounded in reality than the Pickover puzzles. If these puzzles were on a Pickover calendar page, they would be worded along the lines of,

“There are 8,192 numbers stored in a table called iq_table. 0, 1, 2.5198420997897464, 4.3267487109222245, all the way up to 165113.4940829452. What is the common property that connects all of these numbers?”

The answer (thanks to Jindrich Makovicka for pointing this out on the ffmpeg-devel list) is that each number is its index (0..8191) raised to an exponent of 4/3: iq_table[index] = index4/3. Here are some more puzzles:

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