A Reason To Subscribe To The Sunday Paper

Finally, a useful reason to subscribe to the newspaper again– at least the Sunday newspaper: Movie Previews on CD-Rom To Come with Sunday Papers. This reminds me of when Sony was experimenting with alternative methods for distributing promotional material. I went into a Best Buy store one day to find a large display with FREE Hellboy promotional DVDs. I took one home, checked it out, and found that it just contained proper DVD versions of all of the same teasers, trailers, and featurettes that were already available online. I’m not sure if Sony ever tried the same thing with any other movies.


Naturally, if anyone gets one of these CD-ROMs in their Sunday paper, let me know what kind of multimedia is on them. Also, it will be interesting to know what format they choose– 80mm or 120mm. The smaller size, with over 200 MB available, should be plenty of space to get the message across.